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Logo creator finds her mark
North Naples woman attracts business via Web

By Tim Engstrom, tengstrom@news-press.com

"In the span of a few weeks, a North Naples woman has turned her hobby into a small business with clients from New York to California.

Margaret Bouse said she began advertising her Web site, 99dollarlogos.com, on the Google search engine two weeks ago and already has been hired to design logos for eight businesses. " ...

"Bouse, 36, created her first logo 20 years ago as a junior in high school in Watkins Glen, N.Y. The logo was for the school.

That led to logos for neighborhood businesses, but the enterprise took a back seat as she pursued her marketing career. "

...."Bouse said she has been surprised by the response.

“It’s been so incredible it might become something more than what I had (planned),” Bouse said.

Most of the customers have been drawn by the $99 price, Bouse said.

“The majority of them so far have been startup companies and they are just on a shoestring,” she said.

Visitors to the Web site can view samples of Bouse’s work. If they become a client, they can fill out a detailed survey about their business.

“A good logo conveys a message about a company to the customer,” Bouse said. “Some of them I’ve done have been really funky because they were aimed a teen-agers, but I would be very conservative if it were for a restaurant where people age 50 to 75 go out to dinner.”

From the information on the survey, Bouse creates at least three versions of a logo and e-mails them to the client for further refinement.

When finished, Bouse e-mails the logo in various electronic formats back to the business. Because it is in several formats, the logo can be used on Web pages or letterhead, or taken to a local printer for advertising or publication.

Bouse said she is able to keep costs low because everything is done electronically from her home.

Customers who want more help, such as suggestions for naming a new business or help securing a trademark for the logo, can hire Bouse for an additional fee.

Customer Peter Jacobson, a partner in First Call Wireless in Costa Mesa, Calif., is reviewing the logos Bouse created for his final choice.

“She’s a real pro and to get a real pro for $99 is unbelievable,” Jacobson said. “I’ve started several other businesses and I’ve usually had to pay up to 10 times that amount. I don’t know how she does it or why she does it, but I’m glad she does.”

Pharmacist Brian Flynn, vice president of the Silver Rod Pharmacy in Brooklyn, N.Y., said the business has been in place for 75 years but never had a logo.

“We are doing some work with a nursing home and they had a logo and it looked neat,” he said. “We wanted one to go along with it on tote bags and things like that.”

Bouse gave him about a dozen choices — no extra charge.

“I’m doing this because I love it and sometimes I get lost in it,” Bouse said.

Copyright 2002, The News-Press.

(c) 2001 Margaret Bouse (c) 2002 Images Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved